World Equality Day 22-02-2022

A significant change is on the horizon: “World Equality Day” is now officially etched onto our calendars, commencing from February 22nd, 2022.

A Day that represents all humans are Equal.

On this day, We don’t ask for equality, we don’t fight for equality, we don’t protest for equality. On this day we realize we are all equal.

Significance of 22-02-2022

In essence, 22-02-2022 is a very special day. It’s a palindrome number. This means even if you read it backward, it will still be equal – 22-02-2022. This makes it an ideal date to initiate world equality day—the day we realize we are all equal.

As we realize we are all equal. There is nothing to fight for, there is nothing to discriminate for. On this day of 22-02-2022, we realize we are all equal. 

How do we celebrate World Equality Day?

Everybody you meet or see today or talk on the phone you greet them as equal and not hello.

Even the strangers on the street, you greet them all as equal. Even the janitor, your manager, or the president of your country. Greet them as equal and they greet you back as equal

In one day we achieve transformation of thousands of years.

As we start this practice starting from today, we will continue to do it every day from this day forward. Within one year we would have transformed the world into an equal world where everyone is treated equally.

Equal is the new hello

You must have heard of the “equal is the new hello”. The wave that’s transforming the world as we know it. Started as a small blog post and a social media post. It became the go-to standard greeting in places around the world.

Envision a world where every interaction starts with “Equal,” every human life is equal, every voice is equal. It is a reality that we create together, starting with embracing this new greeting “Equal” is the new Hello. It is a word that will rebuilt the foundation pillars of our society. It is the new fabric our society will be made of.

It is as simple as it sounds. We greet people as equal, instead of saying hello.

Some real-life scenarios that exemplify the transformational power of this equal:

● Instead of ‘Hello Sandra’, you say ‘Equal Sandra’, instead of addressing the president as ‘Hello Mr. president’, you say ‘Equal Mr. president’, and the president responds ‘Equal John’.

● Instead of saying ‘Hello Grandma’, you say ‘Equal Grandma’, instead of saying ‘Hello Professor’, you say ‘Equal Professor’, and the professor responds ‘Equal John’.

● Instead of saying ‘Hello World’, you say ‘Equal World’, instead of greeting your wife ‘Hello Alice’, you say ‘Equal Alice’, and she responds ‘Equal John’.

This new greeting serves as a bridge across all divides, extending its embrace to people of every gender, sexual orientation, race, color, physical appearance, age, generation, language, socioeconomic class, intellectual class, religion, nationality, and ethnicity. It’s a unifying force, reminding us that beneath our differences, we all are the same being: human.

Why we celebrate World Equality Day

Peak of inequality

Equality is the foundation of the structure of society. In fact, equality is the foundation of any structure.

Imagine erecting a building with four pillars of unequal heights – it’s only a matter of time before the structure collapses into dust.

We have create a society with similar unequal pillars that encompasses genders, sexual orientations, races, colors, physical appearances, age, generations, language, socioeconomic classes, intellectual classes, religion, nationalities, and ethnicities.

Now, it’s our task to stop the collapse of our global society. We need to reconstruct it on the foundation of equality. This desire resides in the heart of every person.

However, to change this intention into action and prevent a worldwide disaster, we must make this intention a part of who we are. Our determination should blend with our very nature, like colors merging in a beautiful painting.

The most instant way of achieving this awareness where equal becomes our very nature is by replacing the word “hello” with “equal”.

A new greeting for the new society that we are building.

This greeting embodies and ensures equality for every human being, not just for a gender or a race. But every single human.

A new dawn

This day marks the beginning of a new dawn of humanity. We will be transforming the world into an equal world.

We’re embarking on a mission to reshape the world into an equal haven, a realm where every individual is treated with the equality they rightfully deserve.

Remember, the path to equality need not be paved with mass protests or destruction. A single word —“Equal”— holds the power to reshape the narrative of our interactions, erasing the lines that once divided us, and it will transform our very nature to its inherently virtuous self.

You can say equal in your native language and spread the awareness in your location as well. Here are a few translations of the word equal in different languages.

Reach out to your friends, your family, your colleagues—every connection matters. Together we will transform the people and the world into an equal world, and we transform now.

Join the movement.

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    Equal is the new Hello.✚ Be inspired, not envious.✚