Quotes 1

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We don’t ask for equality, 
We don’t fight for equality, 
We don’t protest for equality, 
We just realize that we are all equal.

If you seek guidance for your future,
take it from your past lessons.

Don't try to become, just be.

If you want to heal, you got to first stop hanging out with people
who are constantly scratching your wounds.

Anxiety is for the future, 
anger is for the past. 
Only in the present, 
you can eliminate both. 
Be in the now!

To be smart, you must know exactly where you are stupid.

  • FOMO (Fear of missing out)

    FOMO (Fear of missing out)

    You want to watch a movie at home but your colleagues decided to go to a party. They invited you and you don’t want to go. But your head is…

  • Quotes


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  • Quotes 2

    Quotes 2

    Equal is the new Hello.✚ Be inspired, not envious.✚